Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Halloween and your BRAIN!

Happy Halloween Ya'll! 
Lets talk about your BRAIN!

     Oh Halloween... how fun it is to dress up and be surrounded by so many people celebrating in one community. I have to admit I'm a fan of the ghouls and goblins associated with the season. Don't forget about the sweet treats! I know it is so hard to ignore all the candy and baked goodies that Halloween entails, on top of the upcoming winter holidays, but lets talk a bit about the effects it may have on your body. 
     As a health care professional I study how to diagnosis and treat many conditions. As a Chiropractor I do those things, but with a more holistic manner, and I treat with my hands through specific adjustments to the spine and joints of the body. Our bodies are amazing and can function through many chemical, physical and emotional insults. An increase in blood sugar can inhibit certain brain functions. 
     Specifically talking about the effect sugar and dyes may have on kiddos is the purpose if this post. Many types of candy and sweet treats use dyes to enhance the visual appearance; Red 40 is one of the most common and talked about. Some kiddos may present with rosey cheeks, one red and hot ear, a random fever, and possible mood changes after ingesting sugars and dyes. These are toxic to their nervous systems and ultimately cause a shift in their body to a more "sympathetic" state. 
{DOC TALK: Your body has a parasympathetic nervous system and a sympathetic nervous system. Parasympathetics are your "rest and digest" state while sympathetic is "fight or flight" response. So if your body is in a sympathetic state it is in a protective response that will inhibit other body systems from functioning properly}
     With a ramped up sympathetic nervous system and blood sugar affecting brain function, your child may have a difficult time focusing in school after Halloween or any time they ingest a lot of processed sugar and dyes. They may appear to get sick or even regress into a state of throwing fits, crying and being unhappy. Allowing their bodies to heal and balance out is crucial during these holidays... For the WHOLE family. 
     Eating multi colored veggies and PROTEIN in the form of lean meats and nuts will help balance the gut and intestines as well as feed the cells of the body the nutrition they need. When you and the kids are craving something sweet, reach for fruit! Daily activities like going on walks, playing at the park and sports are excellent ways to keep the body in motion and allow the food you eat to get processed and used in the correct ways. Chiropractic adjustments will help regulate the nervous system and allow the brain to communicate with the rest of the body which may be very important after a sugar rush adds insult to the nervous system!
    These are just a few tips and things to keep in mind as a woman who wants to help ALL the kiddos live a healthier and more aligned life, as well as a mother who wants to communicate with the other women who run their household! Give and take a little at a time.
Now, put on your superwoman costume Mama and watch those kiddos laugh and play the spooky night away!

Sharing a little Life Aligned,
E xoxo

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